JAKARTA - Temporary Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nawawi Pomolango said conflict of interest is a tangible form of corrupt practices. Officials should stay away from this.

"Conflict of interest is no longer just a corruption embryo but a tangible manifestation of corrupt behavior itself," Nawawi said in a written statement quoted on Thursday, January 25.

Nawawi assessed that officials should be aware of Law Number 28 of 1999 concerning State Administrators who are Clean and Free from Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism. However, in the field it turns out not to be like that.

Thus, Nawawi assessed that this law should be further strengthened to prevent continued conflicts of interest. In fact, if necessary this is included in instruments that can be worked on by the KPK in the future.

"Adding the KPK Law (for, ed) is one of the instruments or systems managed to prevent corruption as LHKPN and gratification arrangements," he said.

In addition, Nawawi said there were other proposals such as making a special law or perfecting Law Number 28 of 1999.

In the future, the anti-corruption commission, called Nawawi, is also strengthening cooperation in preventing conflicts of interest with the Supreme Court (MA). These two institutions formed a working group.

"Now the KPK is working with the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia with the support of the OPDAT (overseas proseCUtorial development assistance and training), which has formed a working group in the Supreme Court consisting of a number of Supreme Court Judges to draw up regulations on conflicts of interest within the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia," he said.

It did not stop there, this conflict of interest efforts also continued to be conveyed to the presidential and vice-presidential candidates who ran in the 2024 presidential election. This material was even discussed during the Strengthening of Anti-Corruption for Integrity State Organizers (Paku Integrity) some time ago.

"This conflict of interest material was also when Paku Integrity, presidential and vice-presidential candidates yesterday were one of the ones appointed by the KPK," concluded Nawawi.

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