JAKARTA - Executive Director of Indonesian Political Opinion (IPO) Dedi Kurnia Syah said President Joko Widodo should act as a statesman in the midst of general elections (elections).

"He must side with the state. In a sense, for example now there are many cabinet members, ministers, deputy ministers, who openly defend one of the candidates, the President cannot be silent," said Dedi in a written statement reported by ANTARA, Thursday, January 25.

According to him, the President should reprimand his subordinates. The President must prohibit all activities related to public office, especially elite positions, instead of participating in practical political affairs.

Dedi said this when responding to Jokowi's statement that the president and minister may campaign as long as they do not use state facilities.

As the head of government and state, he continued, the president is the organizer of the election.

"If the president as the organizer of the election, then side by side, this could damage the quality of the electoral process," he said.

He expressed that Jokowi's statement could also affect institutions that are closely related to holding elections, including the General Elections Commission (KPU) and the Ministry of Home Affairs in carrying out their duties.

"KPUs, the Ministry of Home Affairs, including partners in parliament who have a correlation with general elections, are likely to be affected when they know which side the president is on," he said.

He assessed that the president's attitude would affect the courage of election organizers in exercising their authority even though the KPU was not directly subject to the president.

"Because psychologically, even though the KPU does not directly submit to the president in holding the election, the president has a role in determining the commissioner," he said.

Meanwhile, political expert Ikrar Nusa Bhakti said Jokowi's statement contradicted the previous statement which always stated that the president would be neutral and would support the three candidate pairs.

"However, recently or yesterday he stated that he could take sides. If we look at it, this is contrary to the oath of office for the president and also the minister," said Ikrar.

On the other hand, Ikrar assesses that it will be difficult to distinguish the activities of the president and ministers whether a working visit or campaigning if the president or minister participates in a political campaign.

"Because we know that the visit of the president and ministers to some areas is not a few who carry out political campaigns," he said.

Previously, President Jokowi stated that both the president and the minister had democratic and political rights that allowed them to participate in the election campaign as long as they did not use state facilities.

Jokowi said this when responding to a number of ministers of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet who entered as a successful team to support the 2024 presidential election participants.

"The rights of democracy, political rights, everyone. Every minister is the same, the most important thing is that the president can campaign, you can take sides. Yes," said Jokowi at Halim Perdanakusuma Air Base, Jakarta, Wednesday (24/1).

However, Jokowi has not decided to take the opportunity to campaign to support one of the candidate pairs in the 2024 presidential election.

"Yes, we will see," said Jokowi.

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