SOLO - Densus 88 Anti-terror Police personnel searched the house of a suspected terrorist in Kampung Kenting, Mojo Village, Pasar Kliwon District, Solo City, Central Java.

Densus 88 conducted a search of the house belonging to the suspected terrorist after securing a resident with the initials M (50), after the Fajr prayer at the local mosque.

The head of RW 03 Mojo Village, Harayanono, said that he was told by the police to dock at the RT 06 location near the Mojo Village embankment, Kliwon Market. However, he did not know about M's arrest.

"I then met members of Densus 88 who asked about M's house. I then docked at the location of M's house which was in a closed condition," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, January 25.

He then asked M's house to a local resident and told that M's wife was a kindergarten teacher. Linmas personnel then picked up M's wife for the purpose of searching her house by Densus 88 personnel.

Detachment 88 personnel searched the house of suspected terrorist M for about an hour and secured a number of items, including knives, swords, machetes, two books, air rifles, dozens of sewers, three arrows, six arrows, and metal detectors. There were about 11 pieces of evidence that were secured by Densus88 personnel.

From local information, M sells cell phone accessories every day at the Klitikan Market. M's behavior while in the village environment was also mediocre, so local residents were shocked that the third M was arrested by Densus88.

"I often meet M, the person is open and his wife is also like that. So the residents were surprised why he was involved. He was arrested near his house after the Fajr prayer," said Suprapto, a resident of Kampung Kenting, M's neighbor.

Apart from Solo, Densus 88 Anti-terror Police personnel also arrested five suspected terrorists in Sukoharjo, three people in Boyolali, and one other person in Karanganyar.

Boyolali Police Chief AKBPPetrus Parningotan Silalahi when confirmed separately confirmed the arrest and said there were three search locations where the suspected terrorists lived, namely in Sambi, Simo, and Klego Boyolali sub-districts.

According to the Police Chief, the three suspected terrorists who were arrested by Densus 88 personnel were each in Sambi, Simo, and Klego sub-districts.

"The arrests of the three people were carried out by Densus 88, the Boyolali Police only helped with security at the location. The Boyolali Police Inafis Team was also involved in helping to check the location," he said.

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