JAKARTA - Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB) Abdullah Azwar Anas revealed that the Indonesian government is accelerating digital transformation through the development of Government Technology (GovTech) and interoperability of basic services in one national portal.

This was conveyed by Anas when giving keynote speech in "International Seminar Happy Digital and Flourishing City Forum: Profound Systemic Transformations for Impact Bureaucratic Reforms" in Jakarta, Thursday, January 25.

The current condition of Indonesia illustrates the complexity and duplication of various digital services. This is very inefficient. Therefore, it takes a simple, fast, easy, and transparent service portal. This is what we are currently working on with GovTech BUMN Peruri and other relevant agencies," said Anas.

According to him, President Joko Widodo has signed a Presidential Regulation (Perpres) related to the electronic-based government system (SPBE) as proof of the seriousness of the government's work in working on digital transformation.

Sebagai tindak lanjut, Perpres Nomor 82/2023 tentang percepatan transformasi digital dan keterpaduan layanan digital nasional, kata Anas, pemerintah menyiapkan GovTech yang akan membangun Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI).

DPI will integrate digital ID, exchange data, and digital payments in providing services to the community.

Anas is optimistic that with the commitment and hard work of the relevant ministries/agencies, the integrated digital services of the government will soon be realized this year.

"Indonesia will enter a new era of integrated public services, single sign on, efficient, effective, based on community/centric needs in an integrated national portal, no longer oriented towards an agency approach like this so far," he said.

In addition to focusing on GovTech, said Anas, the government is also working hard to integrate ministry services and institutions that own nine priority services on one national portal.

The nine priority services are health services, education services, social assistance, population data-based digital identity, One Data Indonesia service, financial transactions, portal service integration, and state apparatus services, as well as online driving license (SIM).

On this occasion, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said that the leap of digital transformation being carried out by the Government of Indonesia was not easy.

Data interoperability is a big homework that requires the commitment of various parties.

"I'm sure, this will be able to do it. It's not easy to coordinate with many agencies, but if we can overcome this challenge, the digital transformation that we are working on together will be realized," said Luhut.

In line with the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the Minister of Trade for the 2004-2011 period, Mari Elka Pangestu, said that the basic idea behind digital transformation is actually to provide happiness for the community.

The main key to this digital transformation is collaboration and commitment to ensure data sharing occurs.

"We are not just collaboration, but creating together the digital solutions and transformations needed to overcome economic, social, and other problems, with the end we hope that the community will not only be prosperous but also happy," he said.

International Seminar Happy Digital and Flourishing City Forum: Profound Systemic Transformations for Impact Bureaucratic Reforms organized by the State Administration Agency (LAN) in collaboration with the Ministry of PANRB, United In Diversion Foundation (UID), Trust Commons, and the IEEE Standards Association.

Daily Executive (Plh) Meanwhile, the Head of LAN Muhammad Taufiq hopes that this forum can become a medium for collaborating and participating to produce solutions for the ongoing bureaucratic reform and digital transformation process.

"This meeting not only adds to all of our insights but also expands the possibility of us creating innovations to make the bureaucracy and digital transformation a success," he said.

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