The Syahrul Yasin Limpo camp assessed that Firli Bahuri's move to file a pretrial lawsuit again seemed to want to look for scapegoats in the handling of cases of alleged extortion or gratification. Firli Bahuri was originally filed a pretrial lawsuit for the second time. The principal of the lawsuit is still the same, namely the matter of determining him as a suspect. "That is his constitutional right, but on the other hand, it seems as if he wants to look for scapegoats in this pretrial effort in terms of formal evidence. Even though all the stages have clearly completed the elements," said Syahrul Yasin Limpo's attorney, Djamaluddin Koedoeboen in his statement, Tuesday, January 23. According to him, Firli and his attorneys do not need to find fault regarding the formal investigation process. As the former chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission or the KPK, Firli Bahuri should understand the ways of dealing with corruption cases. So, it is recommended to focus on material evidence or the subject matter. "Our advice is that Mr. FB and his legal advisers are cooperative to go through all these legal processes, as former leaders in a very respected institution in this republic, they should just focus on the material evidence later in the main trial of the case," he said. On the other hand, Djamaluddin said that despite his client's involvement in this case, his party will continue to support Polda Metro Jaya in resolving the case. This is because it is considered that there are efforts from other parties to try to weaken the handling of the case by asking or encouraging investigators to stop the investigation process. "We fully support the efforts of the Metro Jaya Police Chief and all his staff towards the efforts of several parties to weaken the spirit of fellow Meto Jaya Police investigators in efforts to resolve this case," said Djamaluddin. Firli Bahuri filed a pretrial lawsuit for the second time at the South Jakarta District Court, on January 22. Based on the Case Tracking Information System or SIPP of the South Jakarta District Court, the lawsuit is registered with case number 17/Pid.Pra/2024/PN JKT.SEL. "(The lawsuit regarding) whether or not the determination of the suspect is valid," wrote SIPP of the South Jakarta District Court. In the lawsuit, the respondent, namely the Director of Special Criminal Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak. As a reminder, Firli Bahuri was named a suspect in the alleged extortion and gratification case against the former Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, based on the results of a case title conducted on Wednesday, November 22.
The former chairman of the KPK is suspected of being under Article 12 e or Article 12 B or Article 11 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended and supplemented by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 65 of the Criminal Code.

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