MALUKU - The Maluku High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) examined five witnesses in the 2016 special house construction project corruption case in West Seram Regency and Central Maluku Regency.

"There were five people who fulfilled the prosecutor's summons to be examined as witnesses regarding the construction of special houses at the Specific Non Vertical Work Unit (SNVT) for the 2016 Maluku Province Housing Provider," said Acting Head of the Legal Information and Public Relations Section of the Maluku Attorney General's Office, Aizit P. Latuconsina in Ambon, Monday, January 22, confiscated by Antara.

SNVT Provision of Maluku Province Housing has now changed to the Maluku Province Housing Provision Implementation Center (BP2P Maluku Province).

Dai explained that the five witnesses examined were AP as the Commitment Making Officer, Director of CV. Main Work with the initials DS as the provider, Director of CV. Prima with the initials JN who became the supervisory consultant, IM as the Treasurer of BP2P and NMH as members of the Committee for Recipient Work Results.

The 2016 special house construction project of 24 units worth Rp6.3 billion is located in SBB Regency and Central Maluku Regency.

The Maluku Prosecutor's team of investigators is still investigating to uncover allegations of corruption in the construction work of the 2016 BP2P Maluku special house.

In the 2016 fiscal year, the Maluku Provincial Government prepared a budget of IDR 6.3 billion for special housing construction projects for residents affected by conflicts between villages or villages in SBB and Central Maluku Regency.

For a number of villages in SBB Regency, which get special house construction allowances for communities affected by conflict and the construction of security forces in conflict areas are in Loki, Iha, Luhu, Lisabata, Elpaputih and several hamlets.

Meanwhile, the other two villages are Mamala Village and Morela Village, Leihitu District (Ambon Island), Central Maluku Regency.

The Maluku Prosecutor's Office has begun to investigate and investigate this case because it is indicated that there is a special house that only the foundation has been built, some are not even realized, so it is suspected that there has been a state financial loss because the budget has been realized 100 percent.

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