BOGOR - The Regional Campaign Team (TKD) Anies-Muhaimin West Java set a target for the presidential and vice-presidential candidate pair number 1 to get 80 percent of the votes in their province in the 2024 presidential election.

However, in the 2019 Legislative Election, West Java was won by the Gerindra Party, which incidentally was the party carrying presidential and vice presidential candidates number 2, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that Gerindra received 4.32 million votes or 17.69 percent of the total valid votes of West Java in the 2019 election. The second winner was PDIP with 3.5 million votes or 14.38 percent of the votes in West Java.

Responding to this, the Chairperson of the TKD Anies-Muhaimin West Java Haru Suandharu said that the vote acquisition in the 2024 election could change with more support for his presidential and vice-presidential candidates.

"That's a past story. 2024 is a new story, a new leader, a leader of change. God willing, West Java will be the pioneer of change in Indonesia," Haru said at GOR Parung, Bogor, West Java, Monday, January 22.

Haru also claimed that the enthusiasm of residents who attended the Anies general meeting campaign agenda in Cikarang and Parung today indicated that the candidate pairs promoted by NasDem, PKB, and PKS would win in West Java.

"Alhamdulillah, enthusiasm has greatly increased, so that what the winning team has set is the same as Mr. Anies, we are also increasingly optimistic. Hopefully, one round of Mr. Anies and Cak Imin can become president," said the Chairman of the West Java PKS DPW.

Meanwhile, Anies admitted that he was satisfied with the enthusiasm of Parung residents, Bogor, who filled GOR Parung in the context of today's grand campaign. Anies views that the residents' intention to attend occurred without any specific deployment.

"Towards the location of the campaign in a row with so many motorbikes, there was no mobilization of the masses. We express our respect to all those present and we are increasingly optimistic that this extraordinary strong spirit at the grassroots, God willing, will be transmitted," said Anies.

In an oration at GOR Parung, Anies received a yellow paper from one of the residents. According to Anies, this indicates that every time there is a campaign, people who come express their hopes to them to come true.

"That's why they want change so that hope becomes a reality. And this is what I say when I meet volunteers, it's not just talking about winning the competition. But we are talking about bringing people's hopes who want change. And that's what we have to remember," he added.

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