JABAR - The Department of Food Security and Agriculture (Diskatan) of Kuningan Regency, West Java (West Java), ensures that farmers can redeem subsidized fertilizers using Identity Cards (KTP).

The head of Kuningan Regency, Wahyu Hidayah, said this method was new from the central government after the large number of farmers' complaints about fertilizers so as to implement the efficiency of the distribution channel of the program. "The government introduces the latest innovation in the form of a fertilizer cane through ID cards. This program is a transformation step in the agricultural sector," he said when confirmed in Kuningan, Monday, January 22, was confiscated by Antara. He explained that through this policy, farmers in his area can now come to the stall or official retailers, to redeem subsidized fertilizers using ID cards. This means that they do not need to show Tani Cards. After that, he said, kiosk officers will scan the Population Identification Number (NIK) listed on the ID Card to access the data of these farmers in the e-allocation system. The explanations mention the next step, the kiosk will include the number of transactions to redeem subsidized fertilizers and farmers can sign transactions through applications named i-Pubers. When transactions, ID cards of farmers and fertilizers are redeemed in the stalls through applications equipped with geo-tagging technology and timestamp. Then sales notes are stored digitally and can be printed according to their needs, explained''. According to him, by the incorporation of the concept of adaptation of technology and population, the identification of subsidized fertilizers can run on target and according to the needs of farmers. The positive impact, he continued, the agricultural sector in Kuningan Regency will be even better with the distribution of subsidized fertilizers as needed. The government is committed to improve this system in order to be able to have a positive impact on the agricultural sector,' he said.

Dia menekankan penerapan program ini bukan hanya tentang efisiensi distribusi, tetapi juga memberdayakan petani untuk mengelola pertaniannya secara berkelanjutan.“Inovasi ini menjadi tonggak baru dalam memajukan sektor pertanian, menciptakan dampak positif yang mendalam,” ucap dia.Sebelumnya, Diskatan melaporkan sektor pertanian di Kuningan selama 2023 khususnya produksi padi dari hasil panen petani sudah menunjukkan capaian positif.Selama tahun tersebut, Kabupaten Kuningan mampu menghasilkan padi berkualitas yang mencapai 321.806 ton gabah kering giling (GKG).Dari jumlah GKG itu, petani di Kuningan berhasil memproduksi beras pada angka 206.310 ton dari total kebutuhan masyarakat 109.077 ton atau surplus sebanyak 97.233 ton.

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