Students Hope That The Smart Indonesia Program Help Will Continue
President Joko Widodo at the 2024 Indonesia Smart Program Assistance (PIP) handover event at the Senior Moncer Tennis Field, GOR Samapta, Magelang, Central Java, Monday (22/1/2024). BETWEEN/HO-BPMI Setpres

JAKARTA - A number of students in Magelang, Central Java, hope that the Indonesia Smart Program (PIP) assistance will be continued because it will be useful for helping underprivileged students.

This was stated by students after participating in the 2024 Indonesia Smart Program Assistance (PIP) handover by President Joko Widodo, at the Senior Moncer Tennis Field, GOR Samapta, Magelang, Central Java, as reported by ANTARA.

Nesya, one of the vocational school students who had the opportunity to have a dialogue with President Jokowi, said that PIP or Smart Indonesia Cards had helped underprivileged children go to school.

"In my opinion, the benefits of this Smart Indonesia Card can help underprivileged children to be able to fulfill their schools so they don't cut off their children's schools so they can continue to a higher level," said Nesya, Monday, January 22.

Nesya felt firsthand the benefits of the program since she was in elementary school (SD). According to her, PIP or KIP has helped her in meeting the cost of educational development donations (SPP), practice costs, and other school needs mainly because she is studying in private schools.

"It is very helpful, from elementary school for school needs, it has been fulfilled using KIP. Especially now that it is in school - private schools - so for tuition payments, practice, it is greatly helped by the existence of KIP," he explained.

Nesya hopes that she can go to college so that she can realize her dream of becoming a pharmacist. He also thanked President Jokowi for the KIP or PIP program.

"Of course, a big thank you to Pak Jokowi for providing this KIP program. Of course, it really helps me personally and the people who can also help with the KIP," he continued.

Another student, Lili Naifah, felt the same benefits. Like Nesya, Lili has also been a recipient of KIP or PIP assistance since she was in elementary school. For him, PIP has helped him ease the burden on his parents.

"Feeling helped because it reduces the burden on parents to help with education in schools. The hope is that in the future it will continue again," said Lili.

Gilang, a vocational school student, also hopes for the same thing. The student who is now studying at SMK Negeri 3 Magelang hopes that the education assistance program can be further distributed.

"So that the PIP is more disseminated for friends out there who also need school fees," said Gilang.

President Joko Widodo at the event advised that PIP assistance was used to buy student learning needs. The President reminded that money assistance should not be bought by cell phones or cell phone credits.

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