JAKARTA - Candidate for Vice President number 3, Mahfud MD said the question raised by Cawapres 02 Gibran Rakabuming Raka was a small question.

Mahfud said that actually all opponents of his debate tonight were good opponents of debate because he had prepared himself carefully.

"About the question of change is part of a gimmick. He (Gibran) is also a gimmick. Something that was asked and then considered that was not the answer even though the question was indeed that," Mahfud told the media after the Cawapres Debate, Sunday, January 21.

Because it is considered small, he said, the question was then returned to the moderator and the remaining time could not be used to answer Gibran's rebuttal.

Mahfu emphasized that he had provided answers in accordance with Gibran's question regarding the steps taken by the Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidate Pair number 03 regarding his attitude in preventing Greenflation or green inflation.

"I don't want to answer. I answered correctly but he didn't understand so he said why the answer was different? It was just a gimmick, so I said it was small because it was in accordance with the answer," said Mahfud.

Previously, Vice Presidential Candidate number 2 Gibran Rakabuming Raka explained to Vice President 03 Mahfud MD regarding Greenflation or green inflation.

Gibran gave an example, greenflation or green inflation has occurred in one of the economists in Europe, France, who protested the high cost of living in France.

"The name Greenflation is a simple example of a yellow vest demonstration in France. It is very dangerous because it has eaten the victim," said Gibran.

Gibran said this must be anticipated so that it does not happen in Indonesia. He added that Indonesia also needs to learn from developed countries regarding this matter.

Gibran said that green inflation must be prevented from providing research and economic development that is considered very expensive.

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