JAKARTA - Two rare Raflesia arnoldi and Amorphophallus titanum carcasses bloom perfectly simultaneously in Batang Palupuh, Nagari or Koto Rantang Village, Palupuh District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra.

Tourism activist Palupuh Joni Hartono in Lubuk Basung, Sunday, said that two individual Rafflesia flowers bloomed on the fifth and third days.

"The two Rafflesia flowers bloom in the Batang Palupuh Nature Reserve area and forest areas of various sizes," he said, quoted by Antara.

He mentioned that the Amorphophallus titanum corpse flower bloomed perfectly on the first day in a garden owned by residents in Batang Palupuh.

The rare and protected flower of Law Number 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and Ecosystems blooms with a height of 2.1 meters.

"The corpse flower blooms perfectly on the plantation land of residents not far from the settlement," he said.

He added that the presence of Rafflesia and the carcasses had been visited by around tens of domestic and foreign tourists from Europe and Asia.

However, most of the corpse flowers are visited by domestic and foreign tourists.

"They looked closely at the existence of the corpse flower while capturing it using his cell phone," he said.

He admitted that the corpse flower was the first to bloom in 2024 and for the second Rafflesia flower. Meanwhile, the previous year around tens of individuals fully bloom.

Meanwhile, Forest Ecosystem Controller of the West Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) Ade Putra said that Agam Regency has a wealth of biodiversity, including rare and protected plants.

At least 16 points were recorded in the distribution of the Rafflesia flower population and eight corpse flower points in Agam.

"This is certainly a matter of pride that can be maintained in existence and sustainability," he said.

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