JAKARTA - Cak Lontong mentioned a number of problems related to the distribution of aid to the community, such as the wrong target still happening. The candidate pair number three, Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD, believes that the comedian can improve the existing conditions.

This was conveyed by Cak Lontong after hearing input from the community at the Bayah Fish Auction Place (TPI), Lebak, Banten, Friday, January 19. This activity was attended by the Ganjar-Mahfud National Winning Team (TPN) and historian who is also a PDIP candidate.

"It turns out that there are things that we need to fix, we will fix that there is something that was conveyed that was not right on target," said Cak Lontong after hearing that the fishermen did not receive the assistance they needed, such as tools for going to sea and others.

"If we don't go down like this, we also don't know, let alone (which needs to be repaired, red)," he continued.

Cak Lontong said that he had come down several times to campaign for the number three pair. Each region is said to have a variety of different problems.

However, he believes Ganjar-Mahfud must have prepared the best strategy. "One of them was like a Sakti ID card, it provides a solution for people anywhere with any profession with any economic and regional conditions," he said.

Cak Lontong confirmed that he would come down to meet the community while campaigning even though he had not gone directly into politics. The reason is that he wants to participate in fighting for the community.

"It should be when we fight together for this nation if the goal is to find the best solution for the nation, we avoid things we don't want," said Cak Lontong.

"The point is, if we are all fair, I'm sure the people will also be happy, I as an art actor will also be happy if everything goes well," he concluded.

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