JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government, the General Election Commission (KPU), Bawaslu, and the political party team have agreed to follow up on the issue of the spread and installation of campaign props (APK) at locations that violate the rules.

In a meeting held at the DKI Jakarta City Hall today, Head of DKI Jakarta Satpol PP Arifin said the DKI Provincial Government and election organizers gave political parties the opportunity to curb campaign attributes that did not comply with these provisions.

"It was agreed that political parties will tidy up, lower the APK which disturbs order and creates vulnerability, and disturbs the city," said Arifin at DKI City Hall, Thursday, January 18.

Political parties are given one week, from January 19 to 25, 2024, to remove campaign attributes at the prohibition location in accordance with the Decree of the DKI Jakarta KPU Number 363 of 2023 concerning the Location of the Installation of Campaign Performance Equipment in DKI Jakarta Province in the 2024 General Election.

"In this case, the Provincial Government, Satpol PP helps, because our task is not executor. We help facilitate together with political parties, Bawaslu, KPU to tidy up the APK in the region to return to more orderly," explained Arifin.

Then, after one week the opportunity to control the APK has passed, the DKI Provincial Government, KPU, Bawaslu, and political parties will again hold an evaluation meeting to determine the next steps.

So, there is no certainty what action will be taken if the political parties still do not control the attributes of their campaign that violate the rules.

"Of course we will return to the coordination meeting regarding what will be the result of today's meeting. Today, we have agreed that this election will enter the campaign period," said Arifin.

"Yes, of course, we will return to the coordination meeting regarding what will be the result of today's meeting. All election participants must of course comply with what has been decided by the KPU, including in terms of the installation of the APK," explained Arifin.

"For example, the flyover should not be installed. Yes, of course, political parties can lower it. Right, the KPU's decision is like that," he continued.

Based on the Decree of the DKI Jakarta KPU Number 363 of 2023, it is listed locations that are prohibited from being installed with campaign attributes. Among them: 1. Certain areas include: a. Medan Merdeka Barat Street, Medan Merdeka Timur Street, Medan Merdeka Selatan Street, Taman Monas Area, Tugu Tani Area, Lapangan Banteng Area, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Jalan MH. Thamrin, Diponegoro Street, Gatot Subroto Street and Ir. H. Juanda; b. Area around the State Palace (North Medan Merdeka Street, Jalan Veterans, Bina Graha Street/Pateran II Street and Medan Merdeka Barat Street); c. Monas Park Area;d. Tugu Tani Area;e. Banteng Field Area;f. Semanggi Bridge Area;g. Hotel Indonesia Roundabout Area;h. Cornelis Simanjuntak Area; i. Taman Puring Area;j. Youth Statue Area;k. Kalibata Heroes Cemetery Area;l. Taman Kelapa Gading Area;m. Area Without Reclame Implementation (according to the Regulation of the Governor of the Special Capital City Region Jakarta Number 148 of 2017 concerning Instructions for the Implementation of the Implementation of the Reclame as amended by the Regulation of the Governor of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Number 100 of 2021), covering:1) Medan Merdeka2 Area) Menteng 3 Restoration Residential Area) Kebayoran Baru4 Reservoir Area) Tua City Area) Cakung Intersection (6) Cakung Intersection) Cawang8 Intersection) Cempaka Mas9 Intersection) Jatinegara Intersection10) Kamal / Penjaringan11 Intersection) Kp. Rambutan12) Outer Ringroad Intersection West/Ciledug13) Pluit 14 Intersection) Pulo Gebang Intersection and Bekasi Cilincing16 Intersection Puri Indah/Kembangan17) Semanggi18 Intersection) Sunter19 Intersection) Tomang20 Intersection) Ulujami Intersection21) Senayan Roundabout Intersection22) intersection Pondok Indah23 Park) CSW24 Intersection) Tanjung Barat25 Intersection) Intersection of Tugu Tani26) Sudirman Intersection Satrio27) Satrio-Rasuna Said28 Intersection) Rasuna Intersection Said-Mampang29) Pancoran Intersection

2. Certain places include: a. Pagar separating roads, pedestrian bridges, bus stops, terminals, stations, ports and electric poles; b. Places of worship, including courtyards, hospitals or health services, government-owned buildings, educational institutions; c. All express-free roads (right and left sides of the road), road crossing bridges (JPO), flyovers, underpasses, service rest areas within toll roads (restareas)d. Facilities belonging to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government; e. facilities owned by TNI/Polri; Danf. BUMN/BUMD facilities.

3. Parks and certain spaces include: a. Taman Tugu Tani; b. Menteng Park; c. Suropati Park; d. Amir Hamzah Park;e. Proclamation Monument Park and its surroundings; f. Srengseng City Park and its surroundings; g. Martha Tiahahu Park and its surroundings;h. All parks managed by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government; i. RPTRA (Integrated Child Friendly Public Room)/Progress Park Together; danj. RTH (Green Open Room) includes TPU (Public Cemetery Park), City Forest, Green Line, Bibit Garden, and Ragunan Wildlife Park.

4. Bridges and/or certain beaches include: a. Penganten Bridge and Sakura Beach Untung Island Java; b. Mangrove National Park Kelapa Island; c. Sunrise Beach and Plaza Panggang Island Regency; d. Karma Beach Lancang Island;e. Sunrise Beach and Pramuka Island Regency Plaza; f. Cinta Bridge Tidung Island;g. Pasir Perawan Beach Pari Island.

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