JAKARTA - Celebrity, Fransiska Candra Novita Sari alias Siskaeee, not only filed a pretrial lawsuit in dealing with the case of a porn film production house that named her a suspect.

Siskaeee also made legal efforts by planning to report Polda Metro Jaya investigators to the Karo Wasidik Police Headquarters.

"(Reporting to Karowasik) It is a legal effort that we will take as an advisor to Siskaee's law for the sake of the law and legal certainty of our client. Therefore, it is considered legal," said Siskaeee's attorney, Tofan Agung Ginting to VOI, Thursday, January 18.

Regarding the reporting time for now, it is not certain. Only conveyed about the legal steps will be carried out in the near future.

Then, regarding the reasons behind the plan to make a report, Tofan assessed that investigators took unprocedural steps in the investigation process. One example is that the determination of the suspect is not in accordance with the Regulation of the National Police Chief or Perkap number 14 of 2012.

"In our opinion, it was too fast and rushed to determine our client as a suspect and was not in accordance with the investigative management according to Perkap number 14 of 2012," said Tofan.

Siskaeee filed a pretrial lawsuit against his determination as a suspect in the case of a porn film production house to the South Jakarta District Court. In the lawsuit, the defendant's party, namely the Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Karyoto.

Based on the Case Tracking Information System or SIPP of the South Jakarta District Court, Siskaeee's lawsuit is registered with number 7/Pid.Pra/2024/PN JKT.SEL which was filed on Monday, January 15.

"The classification of cases (regarding) whether or not the determination of suspects is legal," wrote SIPP of the South Jakarta District Court.

On a different occasion, the Public Relations Officer of the South Jakarta District Court, Djuyamto confirmed the lawsuit. The plan, the inaugural trial will be held next week.

In addition, Sri Rejeki Marshinta was appointed as the sole judge to lead the trial of the pretrial lawsuit filed by Siskaeee.

"The day of the first trial has been set on Monday, January 22, 2024," said Djuyamto.

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