SEMARANG - The Semarang City Government will continue to take a more in-depth approach to several parents who refuse to include their children being immunized at the Polio National Immunization Subweek (PIN).

Semarang Mayor Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu suspects the rejection of a handful of parents at the Rowosari Community Health Center (Puskesmas) due to a lack of socialization.

"Maybe there are those who have not been socialized. I will try (approximation, ed.). If the Semarang City Health Office has not been able, we will take a deeper approach," said Ita, her nickname reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 17.

He will also find out the cause of the rejection from some of the parents, considering that currently it is a simultaneous immunization of polio for the generation of Golden Indonesia.

He ensured that the Semarang City Government would continue to socialize massively regarding polio immunization, including risks if children did not get polio immunizations.

"This simultaneously vaccinates. I don't know why I refused. This is actually for the good of his son from the polio virus," said the first woman to become the Mayor of Semarang.

With this rejection, Ita does not want unwanted problems to occur in the future, such as the finding of a positive case of polio in Klaten Regency due to lack of complete immunization.

"There have been cases in other regencies in Central Java. If later something happens, the government will blame it. In the meantime, Semarang City has no cases," he said.

Previously, a number of parents in Rowosari Village, Tembalang District, Semarang City, refused to include their children in the polio vaccine which was held simultaneously starting Monday (15/1) yesterday.

In fact, the parents who refused to immunize polio had signed the rejection form provided by the Rowosari Health Center.

In fact, the implementation of Sub PIN Polio in Semarang City was carried out in accordance with a circular issued by the Ministry of Health, along with the findings of polio cases in Central Java and East Java.

Along with the Sub PIN Polio program, the Semarang City Government targets the polio vaccination program which will take place simultaneously from January 15-21, 2024, to target as many as 202,989 children aged 0-7 years in the region.

The Semarang City Health Office said the vaccine stock received was around 250,000 doses so that it was also welcome for children from residents outside the city who live in Semarang City to participate in immunizations.

"For example, there are residents of Purwodadi (Grobogan Regency), domicile here, we facilitate immunization. Please come to the puskesmas near the house," said Head of the Semarang City Health Office, Doctor Abdul Hakam.

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