JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo continues to prioritize hand arrest operations (OTT) in addition to prevention efforts in corruption eradication in Indonesia.

However, Ganjar said the first two main things in eradicating corruption need to be done is prevention efforts such as strengthening anti-corruption literacy.

"There is prevention and there is OTT. There are two. The first is prevention, so I said earlier. Anti-corruption education," said Ganjar accompanied by vice presidential candidate Mahfud MD after following the KPK Integrity Paku along with two other candidate pairs at the KPK's Red and White Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, January 17.

However, anti-corruption literacy will not be effective if the apparatus, state administrators or a leader are not role models for the public.

"Give an example, punish ourselves between us first. It cannot be submitted," said Ganjar.

However, if anti-corruption education does not make the perpetrators of corruption or suspected to have committed riots, then strict action in the form of OTT must be taken by the KPK.

"If it can't be done, then OTT must be done. Otherwise, there will be no effect. So we must support together. That is commitment," he said.

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