Chairman of the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) Rahmat Bagja said the regional Bawaslu would ask the DKI Provincial Government and the Bekasi City Government to participate in tracing the cause of the unilateral decline in the LED videotron with Anies Baswedan picture.

Bagja said, in this search, Bawaslu will also ask the private sector as the manager of videotron advertisements in the two locations.

"Yesterday, videotron, yes, Bekasi and Jakarta. We are still ordering the dki Bawaslu to coordinate with the provincial government to trace whether it is true that suddenly the third party is not, said the third party, I can't put the contract out. Including Bawaslu Bekasi to Bekasi City," Bagja told reporters, Wednesday, January 17.

Previously, a video circulated showing a videotron in front of the Bekasi Metropolitan Grand Hotel and in front of Graha Mandiri, Jakarta. The modern billboard ad was initiated specifically by Anies volunteers, Anies Bubble (@aniesbubble) in collaboration with the Olppaemi Project (@olpproject).

The video, which was advertised from the donation, shows Anies Baswedan's video edited by South Korea's oppa-oppa. However, not until a day later, the ad suddenly stopped.

Olppaemi projects through his X account did not explain the reason why the ad was taken down. He said the condition was out of control. Olppaemi project said the ad should be broadcast for one week starting from January 15-21 January 2024.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has also opened its voice over the unilateral termination of the LED videotron featuring presidential candidate number 1, Anies Baswedan on the videotron board in front of Graha Mandiri, Central Jakarta.

However, the Acting Head of the DKI Jakarta Communication, Information and Statistics Agency (Kominfotik) Sigit Widjatmoko admitted that he did not want to interfere in this problem. Sigit emphasized that the videotron point at that location is managed by the private sector.

"Regarding videotrons at Graha Mandiri, it is managed by the private sector. All content broadcast policies, including increasing and decreasing are entirely the domain of the manager, not from us Diskominfotik," said Sigit in his statement.

Sigit explained that the task of DKI's Diskominfotik is only limited to coordinating, monitoring, and evaluating the information broadcast of local government programs in videotron LED media.

This is stated in Governor Regulation (Pergub) Number 148 of 2017 and Governor Regulation Number 100 of 2021, Articles 36 and 37.

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