The Karawang District Police have uncovered a murder case that was initially suspected of being a case of robbery around Cibalongsari Village, Klari District, Karawang, West Java.

"The murder case turned out to be not a victim of robbery. But the murder case was premeditated," said Karawang Police Chief AKBP Wirdhanto Hadicaksono as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 16.

The murder case of Arif Sriyono (32), one of the company's employees in Karawang, was busy on social media. Because the victim was found dead covered in blood with a pathetic wound to the neck.

The victim was found dead in the Sasak Misran irrigation canal, Pasirpanjang Hamlet, Cibalongsari Village, Klari District, Karawang, some time ago. Arif Suyono is said to be a victim of robbery, because when he was found his condition was pathetic.

After further handling and examination, it was revealed that the victim was not a victim of robbery. But his wife killed him.

Karawang Police Chief AKBP Wirdhanto Hadicaksono, said the murder case was not a victim of robbery but a premeditated murder case committed by the victim's wife.

"The main motive is revenge and hurt. As suspects, the wife of the victim and sister-in-law, we are also pursuing one other suspect," said the police chief.

He said the suspect with the initials OC (32) was the victim's wife, and PD (19) the victim's sister-in-law.

The two suspects have been arrested and are now being held at the Karawang Police Headquarters detention center.

"So the perpetrators had planned the murder for two weeks, the victim's wife as the mastermind of the perpetrator who was assisted by his younger brother. Meanwhile, RZ as the executor who is currently a fugitive, is paid Rp. 1.5 million," he said.

In addition, the real motive is to control the victim's property, it is known that the victim and the perpetrator are no longer harmonious because the perpetrator is also the victim's wife who cheats.

"The motive for wanting to control the victim's property is that they are no longer harmonious, let alone an agreement that if they divorce, the OC perpetrators will not get any property from the victim," he said.

Therefore, the perpetrators planned the murder which was masterminded by the victim's wife as the mastermind behind the sadistic murder.

For their actions, the perpetrators are threatened with life imprisonment. This is in accordance with Article 340 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 56 and/or Article 365 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 56 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 338 of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of 20 years or life.

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