JAKARTA - The Ministry of Social Affairs has stopped compensation of Rp. 15 for victims who died from COVID-19. The reason is that there is no longer a budget for compensation for victims of COVID-19.

This decision was stated in a circular letter from the Director of Social Protection for Social Disaster Victims, Sunarti. This circular follows up the circular letter of the Acting Director of Protection

Social for Social Disaster Victims Number 427 / 3.2 / BS.01.02 / 06/2020 dated 18 June 2020 regarding compensation for victims who died of COVID-19.

"In the 2021 Fiscal Year, there is no budget allocation for compensation for victims of COVID-19 for the heirs at the Ministry of Social Affairs so that the previous recommendations and proposals submitted by the Provincial / Regency / City Social Service cannot be followed up," said the first point in the letter. circular quoted by VOI, Monday, February 22.

The Ministry of Social Affairs asks the Head of the Provincial Social Service to forward this information to the Head of the Regency / City Social Service in their respective area and then not to provide any recommendations or suggestions to the Ministry of Social Affairs.

In the SE, Acting Director General of Social Protection for Social Disaster Victims of the Ministry of Social Affairs Adi Wahyono said the compensation policy referred to the decision of the Head of BNPB Number 9A of 2020.

"Compensation for death is given to heirs whose family members died due to being infected with COVID-19 which was stated by the hospital or puskesmas or the health office," Adi wrote in a circular.

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