TANGERANG - A total of 33 land trucks were secured by the Tangerang City Metro Police for violating the rules of crossing roads that did not comply with operating hours. This action was also carried out with the Tangerang City Transportation Service (Dishub).

Tangerang City Metro Police Chief, Kombes Pol Zain Dwi Nugroho said the action was carried out at the exit of the Benda toll road, Tangerang City, Saturday, January 13.

He explained that the operation hours of the ground truck should start from 22.00 WIB to 05.00 WIB.

This is also in accordance with Tangerang Mayor Regulation (Perwal) Number 93 of 2022 and Tangerang Regent Regulation (Perbup) Number 12 of 2022 concerning Regulations for Restrictions on Operational Hours for Land and Sand Transportation Vehicles.

"They are stubborn, of course we will take action. So that there is a deterrent effect," said Zain in his statement, Sunday, January 14.

"So, those who violate our operating hours act by fines, 33 land trucks have been secured to wait for the trial at the District Court," he continued.

Zain said that his party would conduct this raid massively. The goal is that no more truck drivers violate the applicable rules.

"The Satlantas personnel together with members of the Transportation Agency will also be deployed to a number of points to prevent ground trucks from crossing the road outside of operating hours," he concluded.

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