NGANJUK - Deputy Regent of Nganjuk Marhaen Djumadi tested positive for COVID-19. Even though Deputy Regent Nganjuk has been injected with the COVID-19 vaccine twice.

"Yes, that's right, he was vaccinated before on January 27 and the second vaccine was February 10, 2021. But now he is positive for COVID-19", said Head of the Nganjuk Communication and Information Service, Slamet Basuki, confirmed, Monday, February 22.

In fact, said Slamet, a family of the Deputy Regent of Nganjuk also tested positive for COVID-19. His wife and two children, and are now being treated at Kertosono Hospital.

"To update the condition, I have not received the report", he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Regent Nganjuk Marhaen Djumadi reported on his condition, which was being exposed to COVID-19, through a Youtube channel. He appears to be using an attached oxygen hose.

According to Marhaen, this started during his busy activities to inspect a number of disaster locations in Nganjuk Regency, in the last week. He admitted that he felt that his body suddenly felt uncomfortable, then he underwent a PCR swab test on Thursday, February 18th.

"Wednesday (17/2) the body started not feeling well, and I tried to PCR swab it on Thursday afternoon, and the results were positive", he said.

Marhaen admitted that due to his busy activities, he was careless and found it difficult to keep his distance in the middle of the crowd. However, he could not avoid it because it was his duty as Deputy Regent Nganjuk.

"Yesterday I was complacent, my physique was not possible but I was still enthusiastic. How can a leader be in the midst of society when ups and downs," he said.

Marhaen apologized and hoped the Nganjuk people would stick to health protocols, by washing their hands, wearing masks, and avoiding crowds. Marhaen also asked for prayers from the Nganjuk Community, for the recovery of his wife and two children, who are both confirmed positive for corona.

"I beg all residents of Nganjuk Regency to continue to be disciplined in the health program. I ask for their prayers, that my wife and two children may be given a speedy recovery and be able to return to activities", said Marhaen.

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