JAKARTA - Berkarya Party led by General Chair Muchdi Purwoprandjono officially expressed his support for presidential and vice presidential candidate pair number 2, Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka in the 2024 election.
The declaration was delivered directly by the Secretary General of the Berkarya Party, Fauzan Rachmansyah at the Berkarya Party DPP office, Jakarta, Friday, January 12.
"On this good day attended by cadres and elements of society, ulama, youth, mothers, street vendors, community leaders. We express support for presidential and vice-presidential candidates number 2, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka," Fauzan said as quoted by ANTARA.
According to him, support for Prabowo-Gibran was only declared towards the end of the campaign due to various considerations. One of them is in choosing a leader who suits the needs of the people.
The Berkarya Party has made the choice for Prabowo-Gibran as well as being inseparable from several times the holding of presidential and vice presidential debates.
In the debate, the Berkarya Party considered Prabowo-Gibran to be the one who controlled the problem the most and the partner who highly upholds ethics in communicating.
"After we affirm ourselves as'swing votes' and 'undecided voters'. After receiving input from cadres, Alhamdulillah, we declare that we support Presidential Candidate 02. This is truly support from our hearts all Berkarya Party cadres," Fauzan said in a written statement.
After expressing his support, he continued, all elements of the Berkarya Party will move from door to door, to convey Prabowo-Gibran's victory.
"We will fight for Prabowo-Gibran to win in the 2024 presidential election," he said.
Support for Prabowo-Gibran is also inseparable from the sustainability program carried by this couple.
According to him, with the idea of sustainability from the Joko Widodo government, the direction of national development will be clearer.
"We must support sustainability for the good of the nation, the good of the Indonesian people," said Fauzan.
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