NUNUKAN - The Nunukan District Attorney (Kejari), North Kalimantan (Kaltara) found the alleged criminal act of budget corruption at the Regional Public Service Agency (BLUD) of the Nunukan District Hospital.

The head of the Nunukan Kejari, Teguh Ananto, explained that the alleged unlawful act was revealed after the team conducted an investigation into the financial management of the BLUD at the Nunukan Hospital for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.

"We have investigated this alleged abuse of authority since last November 2023, we have raised the status of the case from investigation to investigation," said Ananto, Friday, January 12.

From the results of the investigation, continued Teguh Ananto, data and evidence of financial abuse were found, such as funds for handling COVID-19, payment of honorariums, medical expenses and payments for third parties.

"It is strongly suspected that the budget was misused for personal gain," he said.

The Nunukan Kejari Team in this case has examined 12 witnesses.

"There are 12 witnesses who we ask for this explanation whose status is the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and Honorary," he explained.

Meanwhile, from the results of the case title, it is estimated that the state loss is IDR 3 billion.

"Although the case has gone up to investigation, we have determined the suspect. The team is still working to collect other evidence," he said.

"This case has caught the attention of the Nunukan Kejari, we will immediately complete the investigation," he said.

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