Presidential candidate number 1 Anies Baswedan visited Sibolga City, North Sumatra, to celebrate the aspirations of the community.

Apart from Sibolga City, Anies also visited Barus District in Central Tapanuli Regency to listen to the aspirations of the local people to convey ideas. Anies visited three points in the area.

"We discussed with friends around Medan. This time we got to the other side in North Sumatra," Anies said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, January 12.

In Barus District, Anies made a pilgrimage to the Mahligai Tomb complex in honor of the predecessors who at that time made this archipelago known in the world. The complex has a history related to Islamic civilization in the archipelago.

"Just now is one of the places where world history has been made one of the references," he explained.

Anies said the western coastal area in North Sumatra Province is the most widely used route. In addition, he assessed that the area is still authentic compared to other areas on the island of Sumatra.

"When the road trip from Aceh reached Lampung on the west side, now there have been many shifts; but this place still has a history and Barus does the same," said Anies.

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