BEKASI - Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bekasi Metro Police, Muhammad Firdaus City, revealed that Daniel (17) a suspect in the Crime of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO) in addition to selling a high school student with the initials A (15), also sold his girlfriend, Sarah, to a masher.

"Based on the results of the victim's examination, there was 17-year-old Sarah (the perpetrator's girlfriend)," said Firdaus when confirmed, Friday, January 12.

Not only that, Daniel also sold another woman named Intan to a masher. However, it is not explained that this woman is a friend who is obtained from an online application or her boyfriend.

"Intan is not yet known how old it is," he said.

For information, Daniel sold the underage victims to a number of mashers at a rate of Rp. 300 thousand.

From the one-date rate of Rp. 300 thousand, the victim only got Rp. 50,000. The rest, Rp. 250 thousand, for Daniel.

Kasat said that the perpetrators worked alone, there was no involvement of others.

"The perpetrator worked alone. The money from the victim's rental was handed over to Daniel. The victim got the remaining Rp50 thousand held by Daniel," he said

The police admitted that they spent 4 months arresting Daniel. Surprisingly, Daniel was arrested not far from the rented house which was used as a place for prostitution, Friday, January 12.

Daniel was named a suspect and charged with Article 88 of Law 35 of 2014 concerning child protection with a maximum imprisonment of 10 years and/or a maximum fine of 200 million rupiah.

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