Bawaslu Jember Investigate Alleged Violations Of LSN Salawat Attended By Gibran
The Jember Bawaslu to the ranks of Panwaslu at the sub-district/village level carried out close supervision during the national prayer ceremony of Laskar Shalawat Nusantara at the Jember Sport Garden Stadium, Wednesday (10/1/2024). (ANTARA/HO-Bawaslu Jember)

JEMBER - The Election Supervisory Agency for Jember Regency, East Java is investigating the alleged violation of the National Salawat Apple activity of Laskar Shalawat Nusantara which was attended by a candidate for vice president of Gibran Rakabuming Raka at Jember Sport Garden Stadium.

"From the results of the supervision, it was found that activities led to campaign elements, especially the use of campaign attributes at the location of the activity," said Jember Bawaslu Member Devi Aulia Rahim as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, January 11.

The Coordinator of the Division for Handling Violations and Information Data said the focus of supervision is to ensure there is no element of campaign in these activities because it is still not the time for campaigns with public meeting activities.

"The element of the campaign, such as the absence of campaign attributes, no element of invitation, or preventing violations such as activities related to money politics, parties prohibited from being involved in campaign activities," he said.

He explained that the results of the supervision did find the flag of political parties participating in the 2024 General Election which flew both outside and at the Jember Sport Garden Stadium where the national prayer ceremony was held.

Then his party also saw that there were participants wearing t-shirts with serial numbers of one pair of presidential and vice presidential candidates, as well as campaign materials in the form of stickers from one of the legislative candidates (caleg) attached to the umbrella used by participants.

"We are still conducting a study of the results of the supervision while completing the evidence of the alleged violation in the form of photos and videos that have been collected," he said.

Saat in, lanjut dia, Bawaslu Kabupaten Jember sedang mengumpulup data dan mendalami potensi dugaan pelanggaran dalam kegiatan Spelawat Kebangsaan yang digelar Laskar Shalawat Nusantara.

Previously, the Jember Bawaslu carried out inherent supervision of the National Salawat Apple activities organized by Laskar Shalawat Nusantara at Jember Sport Garden, followed by around 10,000 people on Wednesday (10/1).

Devi said that in accordance with Article 27 (1) of PKPU Number 5 of 2023, the regulation for general meetings and campaign advertisements can be carried out for 21 days until a calm period, which means that it can only be carried out starting from January 21, 2024.

"Bawaslu Jember has actually issued an appeal through letter number 010/PM.00.02K.JI-07/2024 which basically asked the committee to suspend the activity," he said.

He explained that the postponement appeal was related to the presence of vice presidential candidate number 2 Gibran Rakabuming Raka and President Laskar Shalawat Kebangsaan Muhammad Fawait who is also a candidate for the East Java DPRD.

"Given the potential for campaign vulnerabilities outside the provisions, the Jember Regency Bawaslu ordered the ranks of secretariats, Panwascam, and PKD throughout Jember Regency to carry out surveillance inherent in the salawat activity," he said.

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