Bangka Belitung Community Conflict With Crocodiles Increases, BPBD: Due To Environmental Damage
Illustration of crocodile catching entering residents' homes. (Between)

BABEL - BPBD said the conflict between people and crocodiles in the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands (Babel) had increased as a result of environmental damage and the reduced habitat of these reptiles.

"In the last two years, cases of conflict between people and crocodiles have increased," said Head of BPBD for the Province of the Babel Islands, Mikron Antariksa in Pangkalpinang, Babel, Thursday, January 11, which was confiscated by Antara.

He said conflicts between people and crocodiles occurred in flood-prone areas during the rainy season. At that time crocodiles often entered settlements and even attacked residents.

"We do not record cases of conflicts between residents and crocodiles because they are not included in natural disasters but conflicts due to environmental damage. However, we continue to receive reports of crocodile attacks that increase from year to year," he said.

He mentioned an example of an attack on fishermen who were catching fish in the river for some time, where the victim's right hand had to be amputated due to a crocodile bite.

"Yesterday there was also a crocodile under the house of a resident in Pangkalbalam. Things like this must be watched out for and handled together wisely," he said.

He stated, in being aware of the BPBD crocodile attack, it has coordinated with the Environment and Forestry Service, BKSDA, as well as with housing developers in this area.

"Currently, many of the swamps where crocodiles live are located are residential areas, so their habitat is increasingly pressed and finally these animals enter settlements and attack residents," he concluded.

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