JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) suspects that the flow of money from corruption in the procurement of personal protective equipment (PPE) at the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) is enjoyed by many parties other than the suspects. Three witnesses were examined to investigate it, including the former PPK of the Health Center of the Indonesian Ministry of Health Budy Silvana. "Witnesses were present and confirmed their knowledge, among others, regarding the alleged flow of money from the procurement of PPE at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia to various related parties including those named as suspects in this case," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters, Thursday, January 11. In addition to Budy, two other witnesses who were examined were the Head of the Financial Bureau of BNPB Tavip Joko and a lawyer named Admiral Herdi Pratama. Ali has not mentioned how much money was recorded by many parties. Previously, the KPK named a suspect in the case of alleged corruption in the procurement of Personal Protective Equipment (PPD) at the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) for the period of 2020-2022 or during the COVID-19 pandemic. The amount is more than one person. However, regarding the identity and the exact number of suspects in this case, Ali has not opened it. From the results of the investigation while the value of state losses caused reached hundreds of billions of rupiah.

The loss was from the project value of Rp3.03 trillion for the procurement of 5 million PPE packages. In this case, five people have been prevented from leaving the country. They are the anti-corruption commission, but they are Budi Badhi as the state civil apparatus (ASN) at the Ministry of Health, Hermansyah who is an ASN from the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB, Satrio Wibowo and Ahmad Taufik as private sector, and A. Isdar Yusuf as advocates.

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