JAKARTA - The head of the Ganjar-Mahfud National Winning Team (TPN), Arsjad Rasjid, said that the debate between the three presidential candidates (candidates) held on Sunday (7/1) brought a positive trend for candidate pair number 3.

"We feel that from an electoral point of view, we feel our trend is rising. That's what we see not in terms of existing analysis, but also to grassroots," said TPN Chairman Ganjar-Mahfud Arsjad Rasjid as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 10.

Arsjad said the increasing positive trend towards Ganjar and Mahfud was also supported by the activities of the two who always plunged directly into the grassroots.

Activities carried out at the grassroots, he said, were also part of the analysis process carried out by TPN to see the ups and downs of the trend of people's trust.

"We see the trends, we also see an analysis whose name is share of voice. We see analysis from the side of likes and dislikes. So this is all part of all the data that must be combined. This is all part of everything that must be unified because it cannot only be done with one data, so the results of this data are consolidated with data, we see our trend, thank God it has increased," said Arsjad.

Arsjad emphasized that his party will continue to focus on interacting with grassroots, in order to introduce the figures of Ganjar and Mahfud to the community as well as other leading programs.

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