TANGERANG To keep weight from increasing, Engky's diet (33) is limited by the medical team. The Nutritionist Specialist at the Tangerang Regency Hospital, Dr. Elvi Manurung explained, the man who works as an online motorcycle taxi driver (ojol) has been given food with low calorie content.

"We limit the patient's diet, and give food with low calories, to keep the patient's weight from increasing. Because patients also have internal diseases, such as heart disease and others," Elvi told reporters at the Tangerang District Hospital, Wednesday, January 10.

Elvi also said that these patients would be given balanced nutrition and multi-displin monitoring would be carried out so that their body condition would continue to be stable.

"We also carry out multidisciplinary patients and provide balanced nutrition and adequate medicines," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Publication and Information Public Relations of the Tangerang Regency Hospital, Hilwani, said that Engky was in the inpatient room for ordinary patients.

"His condition has improved, he is stable, so the patient has been transferred from the ICU to the regular inpatient room," said Hilwani.

Hilwani said that Engky had experienced various kinds of progress in his health development. The reason is, at the beginning it entered patient E's condition with high blood pressure and unstable.

Especially in obese patients, high blood pressure and unstable blood pressure have many risks. Can have strokes and heart attacks.

"Alhamdulillah, it is stable. Yesterday afternoon's patient, after sunset, was moved to an ordinary inpatient room," he concluded

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