SURABAYA - Vice Presidential Candidate Muhaimin Iskandar or known as Cak Imin stated that he would relax Indonesia's condition if AMIN won the 2024 Pilpers.

The slepet term used by Cak Imin is in the context of realizing change to bring Indonesia to a better direction.

"Mas Aniesnyelepet's task is to make things good in Indonesia," said Cak Imin during the "Mas Akbar Consolidation Anies & Muhaiminin AMIN East Java" event at DBL Arena Surabaya, Wednesday, January 10.

One aspect that he considers to be relaxed is the matter of legal certainty to the community, especially for the poor.

"As long as there is still engineering, the state will not progress," he said.

In addition, the absence of legal certainty can also have an impact on the level of investor confidence in investing in Indonesia.

"The economy will not grow while there is no legal certainty," he said.

Not only that, Cak Imin said that he and presidential candidate Anies Baswedan are ready to eradicate illegal levies (extortion) practices, if they are given the trust by the public to lead the Indonesian government in 2024-2029.

"Then cleaning extortion so that public trust grows, industry will advance. We need a leadership that is trustworthy, honest, and shiddiq," said Cak Imin.

In addition, Muhaimin also asked all cadres of the National Awakening Party (PKB) to take part in supervising the implementation of the 2024 General Election.

"Be aware of vulnerable points, the first is polling stations (TPS) and then guard the distribution of votes to the national level. If the election is clean, the government that is trusted by the people will be realized," he said.

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