Chairman of the PDI-P (PDIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri said that her party could be like now, not because of the political elite and the president. The people who are said to play a role so that cadres are obliged to strengthen grassroots.

This was conveyed by Megawati during a political speech during the commemoration of PDIP's 51st Anniversary at the PDIP Party School, Lenteng Agung, Jakarta. Initially, the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia alluded to grass that could grow anywhere and be strong like the people.

"The grass has a high survival power, so even if it is burned, cut, turned off, revoked, it will always grow. Because the roots are always ready to grow again. Please remember! That's the people," said Megawati, starting her speech.

So, Megawati reminded her cadres to come down to meet the people. That's why our real strength. Cam this as a breath of our contemplation," he said.

On that occasion, Megawati then thanked her party for 51 years. He said, the party bearing the bull symbol is used to fighting from being still named PDI until now being a PDI-P.

However, this ability to survive is not because of a certain figure, let alone the president. Megawati said the people were always with them.

"We can be like this for 51 years, not because of the elite, not because of the president, not because of the minister but because of the people who support us," he concluded.

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