Jakarta - Deputy Secretary of TKN Prabowo-Gibran, Saleh Partaonan Daulay assessed that Presidential Candidate number 1, Anies Baswedan, had a bad intention to embarrass Presidential Candidate number 2, Prabowo Subianto deliberately revealed land issues and assessed the performance of the defense minister.

Because according to him, what Anies conveyed in the third debate held by the KPU at Istora Senayan, Sunday, January 7, yesterday was really disinformation and seemed provocative. In fact, said Saleh, it was like wanting to personally attack Prabowo.

"Yesterday, Mr. Anies did not only convey false and provocative data. But it was felt that before the debate everything had been prepared. The data had been prepared with the target of bringing down and embarrassing Prabowo. Actions like this were very inappropriate and far from customs and eastern values," Saleh said in his statement to VOI, Wednesday, January 10.

The chairman of the PAN faction of the DPR then summarized some of the wrong data that Anies submitted. First, Anies said that the Ministry of Defense spent Rp700 trillion in its budget to buy used defense equipment. Second, the land controlled by Prabowo covering an area of 340 hectares which was later corrected by mentioning 340 thousand hectares.

"The issue of the budget, is very misleading if you call it all buying used defense equipment. In fact, the budget is a budget for the 5 years of the defense ministry. And it is used collectively by the Army, Air Force, Navy, and the costs needed for the operation and welfare of soldiers," said Saleh.

Meanwhile, regarding land ownership, Saleh emphasized that the information was wrong and far from the truth. Apart from the wrong amount of land, he said, the land in question had been returned to the state several years ago.

"If the ownership is still going on, not a single rule has been violated. In fact, the ownership, according to Jusuf Kalla, was taken by Prabowo so that he would not be controlled by foreigners," he said.

With those two data alone, Saleh assessed that the former governor of DKI Jakarta had bad intentions to bring down Prabowo. In fact, he said, Prabowo had contributed to the process of appointing him to become the leader of the capital.

"From these two cases alone, it seems that Anies has bad intentions to bring down and embarrass Prabowo," continued the member of the DPR for the North Sumatra II electoral district.

Therefore, according to Saleh, it is not surprising that many videos of mothers crying and going viral on social media are out of compassion and pity for the former Danjen Kopassus.

"Don't slander again if Prabowo plays victim. There is no intention at all for that. But the fact is that Prabowo is a victim of bullying," he concluded.

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