TANGERANG - Online motorcycle taxi driver (ojol), Engky (33) with obesity 230 Kg will undergo treatment at the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), Central Jakarta. The transfer is made so that Engky gets optimal medical treatment.

As conveyed by the Head of Publication and Information Public Relations of the Tangerang District Hospital, Dr. Hilwani, Engky's patient was referred to the RSCM, Central Jakarta because the patient had a history of treatment at the place in 2022.

However, according to information, Engky's medical treatment at RSCM in 2022 was not optimal because it was stopped due to cost problems.

"There may be. It was referred to the RSCM again. The important thing is that the current condition is improved, hemodynamics or unstable blood flow," said Dr. Hilwani when confirmed Wednesday, January 10.

Regarding Engky admitted that he was traumatized by being treated at the RSCM, the Tangerang Regency Hospital would provide education.

"He did say that. But later we will educate. Then, previously (Engky) had treatment there. We referred him there again." he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Director of Services at the Tangerang Regency Hospital, Dr Muhammad Rifky, admitted that he would coordinate with the RSCM, so that when the patient arrives at the hospital he will immediately get a room.

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