JAKARTA - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin assessed that the third debate for the 2024 presidential election, which was attended by three presidential candidates, was interesting and more lively compared to the era of the 2019 presidential election.

"I see the debate is good, open, and it means they are arguing, especially yes, the debate session is interesting. Compared to my time, now the debate is more lively," said the Vice President on the sidelines of a working visit in Yogyakarta, Tuesday, as witnessed in a video in Jakarta.

However, the Vice President was reluctant to comment on the substance of the debate that took place in Jakarta, Sunday, January 7 that night.

He invited the public to assess it themselves. "But about the substance, I don't think I need to comment. I think it's the people themselves (who judge)," he added.

"The problem is which substance is good, which one is not good, which one is good, it's the public (assessing). It's unethical if I enter into substance," he added.

Previously, President Joko Widodo gave his opinion regarding the third debate of the 2024 presidential election. The President assessed that the substance of the vision of presidential and vice presidential candidates in the third debate of the 2024 presidential election was not visible.

The President saw that there was a personal attack on each other in the debate that time. The President should have attacked each other against the vision and policy only.

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