JAKARTA - Deputy Head of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Jazilul Fawaid admitted that he did not want to question the arrogance of presidential candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto who threw a curse at presidential candidate number 1 Anies Baswedan. The Minister of Defense expressed his emotions because he did not accept Anies' remarks about the ownership of an area of 340,000 hectares when many TNI soldiers did not have official residences. "No (disputes), well. The sane one is not," said Jazilul when met at NasDem Tower, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, January 9. The party that carries Anies-Muhaimin views that Prabowo should not have shown his emotions because he was questioned in the 2024 presidential election debate. After all, regarding the land of 340 thousand hectares, Anies only imitated Joko Widodo's statement which was expressed in the 2019 presidential election debate. "Everything can be said. So, don't be baper as a candidate for leader. Just like that, there has been a personal attack. People ask about the 340 thousand hectares of land, who asked Pak Jokowi first. Pak Anies just continued in this session," explained Jazilul. It is known that Prabowo Subianto's presidential candidate expressed his complaints. Prabowo talks about humans with thick faces. But Prabowo did not clearly mention the thick face humans in question. "Ladies and gentlemen, I have one who said that the extraordinary thing is that there are people whose faces are very thick, it's amazing that I can't answer sometimes because I'm so amazed that there are human beings like that," Prabowo said in the consolidation of Prabowo-Gibran volunteers at Gol Pemuda, Riau. Prabowo previously responded strongly to Anies Baswedan who mentioned the land assets of 340,000 hectares in the presidential candidate debate. But Prabowo in his speech did not mention Anies Baswedan's name. "Oh my God, O Allah, I only asked for one before you called me I wanted to see my people prosperous, that's all. Are there any of you who OFFEND how much land does this land have, is he smart or stupid?" said Prabowo. Prabowo explained that the land he owns is a Right to Use Business (HGU). Therefore, Anies' remarks in the third debate, according to Prabowo, were only intended to make people hate him.
"He understands that there is no HGU, rights for business, rights for building, rights to use are land for your country, land for the people, land for the nation. Instead of being controlled by foreigners, Prabowo is better at managing when the government needs me to immediately hand over," said Prabowo. "There's no need to be debated, really. You just show your carelessness," he continued.

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