TANGERANG - The online motorcycle taxi driver (ojol), Engky (33) who is obese up to 230 kilograms (Kg) also experienced leg swelling or lymphedemic. This was discovered after an examination by a team of doctors at the Tangerang District Hospital.

The lymphedemic disease was caused by a blockage in the lymph lining of his left leg. "It is still in the examination stage of the team of doctors," said Deputy Director of Services at the Tangerang District Hospital, Dr Muhammad Rifky when confirmed, Tuesday, January 9.

Rifky said that for now the condition has not been said to be stable. Therefore, his party monitors patients.

"The patient is aware that his condition is not yet stable. In order to be safe, and we can closely monitor it, we will treat the patient in the ICU," he said.

He said that for the treatment of patients with 230 kg, his party provided a number of specialist doctors ranging from Internis, Nutrition, to Surgery.

"Specalis Internis, Spesilis Nutrit, Specialist Surgeon, Specialist Intensive Care (KIC)," he concluded.

Engky (33), since Monday, January 8, has been taken to the Tangerang Regency Regional General Hospital (RSUD). Engky was taken by medical officers using an ambulance from his house on Jalan Salak 4, Pesanggrahan Village, Solear, Tangerang Regency.

Arriving at the Tangerang District Hospital, the doctor conducted an initial examination. Deputy Director of Services at the Tangerang District Hospital Muhammad Rifky said that Engky's condition was fairly stable.

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