JAMBI - Presidential Candidate (candidate) number 2 Prabowo Subianto, supported by the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM), is targeting his victory in winning votes in Jambi province by 85 percent in the upcoming February 14 presidential election. Prabowo said the people were smart in making their choices.
This was conveyed by Prabowo during his political oration at the Pujakusuma extended family gathering in Jambi which took place at the Abadi Convention Center (ACC) building in Jambi City, Tuesday, January 9.
Prabowo said that on February 14, all citizens will exercise their political rights without any difference and I invite all Indonesian citizens, including in Jambi, to convince themselves to come to the TPS to convey their sovereign rights to elect their leaders for the next five years.
"The Indonesian people are now smart and have a heart, feelings and sensitivity in choosing and being able to judge for themselves who defends this nation actually and don't want to be controlled by people who are not clear," he said as quoted by ANTARA.
Prabowo also said that the Republic of Indonesia is not a kingdom or a collection of rich people in power, but Indonesia with a democratic system in which power is in the hands of the people.
Prabowo-Gibran pair in
"I, who are never shy about continuing Pak Jokowi's best program for the sake of love for the homeland and the people of Indonesia," said Prabowo Subianto in front of thousands of sympathizers at the Jambi ACC building.
- https://voi.id/berita/346111/dipertanyakan-anies-soal-komentar-debat-jokowi-saa-berbicara-untuk-perbaikan-juga-untuk-introspeksi-kita-semua
- https://voi.id/berita/346095/gibran-ke-relawan-di-bali-kita-harus-fokus-kerja-ekstra-menangkan-pilpres-jangan-tanggapi-fitnah
- https://voi.id/berita/346057/jokowi-ke-luar-negeri-saat-hut-pdip-ganjar-urusan-negara-nomor-satu
- https://voi.id/berita/346054/zulhas-respons-anies-soal-lahan-340-ribu-haktare-milik-prabowo-hgu-tak-sebesar-itu-hanya-pinjam-pakai
In his political oration, Prabowo said Indonesia's position was ranked 16th richest in the world.
"We don't want to be slaves in our own country, so our joint struggle must be continued with our natural wealth program enjoyed by all Indonesian people, and we don't want our people to be worried because we can't buy their children's milk, don't go to school and it's difficult to get health services," said Prabowo.
"Therefore, specifically for Jambi, I target that in the presidential election, Prabowo-Gibran will win 85 percent, so that later the Jambi Province's natural resources must be enjoyed directly by Jambi residents themselves so that they can realize Indonesia Gold," said Prabowo Subianto.
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