JAKARTA - Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Abdullah Azwar Anas was asked by President Joko Widodo to coordinate the acceleration of government digital transformation in order to realize a "toll road" of public services. "It is like a word, if previously the President had inaugurated many toll roads physically, then this time the government would build public service toll roads through the integration of digital services," Anas said in a press conference after the Plenary Cabinet Session regarding the Performance Improvement of State Civil Apparatus through the Integrability of Government Digital Services at the State Palace, Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 9. According to Anas, President Jokowi conveyed the world's direction now entering a new, digital era so that the bureaucracy also had to change the way of working. "So the transformation and integration of government digital services is the collaborative work of all ministries/agencies and investors because the President wants Indonesia to be the leading country in digital transformation, one of which is shown through the integration of government digital services, is no longer separated," said the former head of the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP). Based on President Jokowi's directives, there are a number of important steps that become a guide for digital transformation of government services. First, Indonesia must immediately proceed to have integrated or disjoint digital services like so far. The integrated service must be based on the needs of users (usercentric), not by the approximation per government agency. "So far, when the people want to access to land services, for example, they must be downloaded and the content of data content in land applications. Then they want to be able to download health applications and data content starts early. If it takes access dozens of services then it must be downloaded as well as dozens of applications and data content from the beginning tens of times. The public's difficulty, even though the President wants this to be entirely easy," said Anas. User-based service constraints.

Second, Anas continued, to accelerate the digital transformation of government services. President Jokowi has approved the transformation of Peruri SOEs into "GovTech", a government digital management team. The GovTech has been regulated in Presidential Regulation Number 82 of 2023 concerning the Acceleration of Digital Transformation and the Association of National Digital Services signed by President Jokowi in December 2023. "In countries with the best e-Government Development Index according to the United Nations, all have GovTech for the integration of digital services. The policy rests with the Electronic Based Government System (SPBE) Team, then the implementation of its digital transformation is in GovTech," said Anas.Thirth, President Jokowi emphasized the need for collaborative work on all lines. "For example, collaboration with local governments. In the next two days, together with the Minister of Home Affairs, we began to consolidate local governments for the integration of its services into one public service portal, to then be integrated into a national service portal, "Anas said. Collaborative work is also needed in strengthening the three foundations of digital transformation, namely Digital ID (Digital Population Identity), digital payment, and data exchange for service interoperability. The fourth, explained the former Regent of Banyuwangi, is the protection of personal data. "Even though the exchange of data becomes a foundation that will determine the success of service interoperability, the matter of protection and security of personal data must be a concern," added Anas. Fifth, said Anas, initial technical steps with nine priority services to be consolidated, including educational services, health, social assistance, police, digital ID, digital payment services, and state apparatus services. During the Cabinet Session, President Jokowiwi has decided that the name of GovTech Indonesia is INA Digital or Digital. "So, we have entered into a new phase to carry out digital transformation in the framework of efficiency and to encourage the acceleration of national development to achieve it more quickly," said the Minister of PANRB.

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