BOGOR - Chairman of the Bogor Regency DPRD Rudy Susmanto asked the Bogor Regency Government (Pamkab) to minimize the potential for social conflict in dealing with traffic polemics (traffic) mining transportation in the Parungpanjang area, Bogor, West Java (West Java).

He conveyed this when responding to the incident of a commotion between the Bogor Regency Transportation Service (Dishub) officers and a number of truck drivers during the control of mining transportation operating hours last week.

"Suasive ways must be put forward, community groups who have an interest must be invited to talk and any policies issued must be well socialized," he said in Cibinong, Bogor, Monday, January 8, which was confiscated by Antara.

He realized that solving the problem in Parungpanjang was not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. Therefore, the solution promised by the Bogor Regency Government to solve the problem must be realized immediately. The Bogor Regency DPRD, said Rudy, will provide support.

"First, the construction of parking bags must be completed, the places and facilities must be appropriate, well socialized so that our brothers and sisters, drivers want to pull over there when operating hours are enforced," he explained.

Then, he continued, the construction of a new road to divide the traffic load on Jalan Parungpanjang-Bunar must be realized.

The road construction, which is planned to be devoted to the transportation traffic of mining materials, requires the involvement of the central government and the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of West Java (Jabar). Therefore, he asked the Bogor Regency Government to re-knit communication to realize the construction of the road.

"The biggest hope of the community who is considered to be able to accommodate all interests is road construction. This development has also become a political promise for the provincial government, the community is waiting for its realization," said Rudy.

If the handling only dwells on the arrangement of operating hours, he is worried that social onflik will occur between officers and community groups and conflicts between groups of drivers and other community groups.

"We have to prevent this," said Rudy.

Previously, Bogor Regency Transportation Agency officers were involved in an argument with a mining truck driver on Thursday, January 4 at around 16.10 WIB.

Head of the Bogor Regency Transportation Agency, Agus Ridhallah, said that the incident began when Dishub personnel carried out control as regulated in Perbup Number 56 of 2023 concerning restrictions on the operational time of mining special goods transportation vehicles.

Agus said his members tried to turn the mining truck from Tangerang Regency to Bogor Regency on the grounds that it was outside operational hours, namely 13.00 WIB-16.00 WIB.

"There was a driver with the initials ME who did not accept it when directed to make a U-turn," said Agus.

Then, he said, ME deliberately bumped into the vehicle to the Dishub personnel on duty until the officer's body was hit by the truck body. This incident caught the attention of other personnel who were also at the location.

"As a result of this, there was tension between Dishub personnel and mining transportation drivers," he explained.

At the end of the commotion, Agus said the ME driver felt disapproved and threatened Dishub personnel with harsh words.

"The driver threatened the personnel by issuing words Be careful, it's useless when it's high outside jeng aing (that's you, meet me outside)," he concluded.

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