Presidential candidate (candidate) number 1, Anies Baswedan, said hacking or hacking is a threat that people are increasingly feeling. Therefore, Anies assessed that Indonesia needs to build a serious cyber defense structure.

This statement was conveyed by Anies Baswedan when answering panelist questions about the candidate candidate policy to gain access to technology and its development in order to strengthen Indonesia's defense.

'This is not enough to assign a task to a group of people. So, first is to build a comprehensive system.'

"Compensive planning involves all institutions, including community components," he said in a presidential candidate debate on Sunday, January 7, 2024.

Then, continued Anies, the second thing that needs to be done in dealing with hacking is the procurement of the latest technologies.

"However, the key is solely not to the technology, the key is to the involvement of everything in the universe," he explained.

Third, which is no less important, continued Anies, is a mechanism to respond back in the event of an attack. So, it can have speed to recover, speed back in the system when cyber attacks occur.

"So, compiling this, involves comprehensively. Second, using the latest technology and the third fast recovery system," he said.

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