JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate number 2, Prabowo Subianto revealed a number of strategies to strengthen Indonesia's cooperation in international relations. Mainly making Indonesia the leader of the south world.

According to Prabowo, in international relations the main thing for Indonesia is geopolitical interests and economic interests.

"Therefore, the main thing is that we must strengthen Indonesia's domestic economy, we must protect our wealth, we must manage our wealth, we must downstream so that the added value increases tens of times. We collect the strength of our assets and finances, we prosper our people, then we are respected by all countries, especially the southern countries," Prabowo said in the second session of the presidential candidate debate held by the KPU at Istora Senayan, Jakarta, Sunday, January 7.

The Minister of Defense claimed that currently Indonesia has become a role model for African countries. Prabowo said, so many countries in Africa are now looking to Indonesia, coming and asking for study.

"Because we are considered a fairly successful southern country, low inflation, growth still exists, good trade balance, maybe 5 consecutive years of trade surplus we are now a role model," he said.

"So our leadership in the world, in international relations will be reflected and affected by our success in managing our wealth, eliminating poverty in our country, our people achieving technology into an industrial country, that will make us lead the south world," continued Prabowo.

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