The Capital Archipelago (OIKN) Authority stated that artificial intelligence (AI) technology will be widely applied in IKN to create smart cities so as to optimize government efficiency and improve service quality through smart governance.

"Utilization of digital technology for governance can increase transparency in an effective and efficient government," said OIKN Head Bambang Susantono as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, January 5.

He conveyed that IKN was built as a smart city with efficient governance. In the Blue Print of the Smart City of the Archipelago, the concept of Smart Governance is a system of utilizing information and communication technology to make governance effective, transparent, accessible, and involving public participation.

People also more easily participate in policies, access information, and also take care of administration. This will strengthen the image of IKN as a smart city," said Bambang.

Bambang emphasized that the smart city of IKN will use efficiency as a major foothold in every development.

"So, later productivity will be maximized, the business and budget costs that will be spent as effectively as possible. Therefore, the use of technology such as Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing,Robotic Process Automation, and so on, will be widely applied in IKN," said Bambang.

Meanwhile, Deputy for Green Transformation and Digital OIKN Prof. Mohammed Ali Berawi, assessed that IKN would be a smart city that could serve as a model for other cities.

"Therefore, the design of Smart Governance is made in such a way that urban governance will later be easier and can also move the wheels of the economy," Ali explained.

Ali explained that the Smart Governance System, which is centralized and integrated, hopes to increase transparency in government operations so as to reduce bureaucracy, save time and operational costs.

There are four solutions or so-called Smart Feature in Smart Governance which will be implemented at IKN. Starting from the City Management & Planning Services, Digital Service for Citizen, Smart Business Permit, and Smart OIKN," said Ali.

Furthermore, OIKN spokesman Troy Pantouw added that the implementation of the smart city concept at IKN would make IKN not only efficient but also innovative and sustainable.

"In addition, the hope is that the participation of people living in IKN will also increase," said Troy.

Troy said there are six Smart City domains that are promoted in IKN Development, namely Smart Governance, Smart Transportation and Mobility, Smart Living, Smart Natural Resources and Energy, Smart Industry and Human Resources, and Smart Built Environment and Infrastructure.

In the blueprint for its implementation, there will be three main components in development, namely software to manage data and operations, hardware as physical infrastructure, and brainware, namely people who control and manage this system.

The application of digital technology, continued Troy, in the IKN Development itself is also contained in Law Number 3 of 2022 and Presidential Regulation No. 63 of 2022 concerning the Detailed Main Plan for the Capital City of the Archipelago.

"One of the key performance indicators (KPI) Development is to reach the highest ranking in e-government development index from UN and obtain a value of >75 percent in terms of digital service satisfaction for business actors," said Troy.

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