Presidential candidate number 1 Anies Baswedan responded to the steps taken by the presidential and vice-presidential candidate pair number 3 Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD who is now broadcasting live on the TikTok platform.

Anies had previously conducted interactions with netizens via live on TikTok. Anies also admitted that joining Ganjar and Mahfud live on TikTok was a positive thing.

"Wow, thank God, it means that Indonesian citizens have more opportunity to know the more good dialogue opportunities. So it's an opportunity for people to interact directly," said Anies at Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta, Friday, January 5.

The former governor of DKI Jakarta signed that his steps were to broadcast live on social media and followed by other 2024 presidential election candidates were an effective way of having direct dialogue with netizens.

"So we are very grateful that the slight changes that we do are more and more who participate. What are the goals? Expand the dialogue to increase the number of discussions," explained Anies.

Anies Baswedan suddenly conducted a campaign via TikTok's live broadcast which was watched by hundreds of thousands of followers on Thursday, December 28, 2023.

This live TikTok immediately made a scene and several moments were immortalized through screen recordings until they were uploaded by several accounts.

Shortly after, the @aniesbubble account appeared on platform X which was busy becoming a public conversation. The account was created in the style of a Korean idol fan account, because it uses hangul in Korean in its profile.

Candidate for vice president number three, Mahfud MD, does not want to be left behind. He also took advantage of live on TikTok social media for the campaign. In his live broadcast, the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) held a question and answer session with his followers.

Following that, Ganjar Pranowo also took the time to live on his TikTok account. Ganjar also took advantage of the "join" feature to show other TikTok users discussing with him.

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