MAKASSAR - The South Sulawesi Provincial Government has stopped operating Trans Mamminasata Bus Friends in two corridors, namely Corridor 3 which serves Campus 2 PNUPD - PIP and Corridor 4 which serves the Gowa Unhas Engineering Campus - Panakukang Square route.

Head of UPT Mamminasata of the South Sulawesi Transportation Service, Nurdiyana, revealed the reason for the termination of the operation of the two Teman Bus corridors due to the limited budget from the Central Government which is also subsidizing Bus Friends in 10 limited cities.

"Local governments are given space to take over several corridors in their respective areas, depending on the financial capacity of the local government," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, January 4.

The termination of the operation of Teman Bus in these two corridors has been conveyed by the Trans Mamminasata Bus Friends Manager through its official Instagram account @teman_bus. The upload announced that starting January 1, 2024, Trans Mamminasata Bus Friends services were only 2 corridors that previously had 4 corridors.

Corridor that operates is Corridor 1 which serves the Panakukang Square - Galesong Port route and Corridor 2 which serves the Panakukang Mall - Sultan Hasanuddin Airport route.

Two Teman Bus corridors that stopped operating automatically the bus fleet also did not operate. Around 34 buses also stopped operating due to the stop of the two corridors. Consisting of 19 vehicles in corridors 3 and 15 units of vehicles in corridor 4.

Apart from the fleet, the policies taken by the South Sulawesi Provincial Government will certainly have an impact on dozens of Bus Friends drivers. A total of 74 Bus Friends helmers had to lose their jobs in line with the release of bus Friends operational stops in two corridors

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