Presidential candidate (candidate) number 3, Ganjar Pranowo, asked the General Election Commission (KPU) to be professional. As an election organizer, the KPU should not be careless at work, let alone make mistakes that end up apologizing continuously.

This was conveyed by Ganjar in response to the polemic of the simulation ballot which only included two columns of presidential and vice presidential candidates. In fact, the 2024 presidential election was followed by three couples.

"Yes, this is the organizing KPU (election, ed) why do you keep apologizing. If you keep apologizing, your credibility will be questioned later," said Ganjar after consolidating with the regional winning team to volunteers in Blora, Central Java, Thursday, January 4.

Ganjar assessed that there have been several mistakes made by the KPU, even in a row. One of them is the presence of tens of thousands of ballots in Taiwan that have been sent off schedule.

This condition made him think that the supervision of the KPU must be carried out optimally. "We ask someone to supervise so that there is no error. And they will fix that," he said.

Ganjar juga KPU agar tetap profesional di tengah Pilpres 2024. Jangan sampai ada ikrasi mereka bekerja dengan sembarangan.

"So the professionalism must be shown really," said the white-haired figure.

Previously, the Solo City PDI-P (PDIP) DPC protested the simulation ballot used by the local KPU. The reason is that there are only two pair columns in it.

Regarding this, the vice presidential candidate number three, Mahfud MD has also protested to the Chairman of the KPU Hasyim Asy'ari. He even suggested a simulation ballot to include four pair columns.

"At least four (paslon plaids in simulated ballot paper, ed) I said. If not one, two, three, yes, four. So that everything can be opened," Mahfud told reporters quoted on Thursday, January 4.

"And there has been an official answer from Mr. Hasyim to the official one," he continued.

Even so, Mahfud did not specify the answer to Hasyim. Next, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) also protested the existence of a simulation ballot which included only two candidate pairs.

Hasyim, continued Mahfud, had heard firsthand the protest. "Then he said it was a simulation from ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology) and we will correct it. Please fix it," he said, repeating the conversation.

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