Jayapura Police Chief AKBP Fredrickus WA Maclarimboen said as many as 200 Polri personnel were currently on standby to secure Namblong District, Jayapura Regency, Papua, after the riots. "We hope that people who are currently still evacuating will immediately return to their homes because the security and security situation has gradually returned to normal," said Fredrickus WA Maclarimboen in Sentani, Antara, Thursday, January 4. He said the hundreds of personnel, including Brimob Nusantara, were tasked with securing the area so that the security situation recovered. As a result of the chaos that broke out on Monday, January 1, 928 people fled in three locations. However, because conditions have gradually recovered, they were asked to return. "People, especially those whose houses were not burned, have been asked to return because currently members have been alerted around the area," he said. As a result of the riots that occurred, several buildings were burned down, including one village hall office, 21 housing units, eight housing units, one motorcycle, 22 cars were damaged and 41 motorcycles damaged. Meanwhile, Deputy Temporary of Kapendam XVII/Cenderawasih Lt. Col. Inf Chandra Kurniawan separately explained that the incident that occurred in Namblong District began when Sertu AD returned home after securing New Year's Eve was intercepted by a group of residents who were drunk due to the influence of alcoholic beverages.
In addition to blocking, they also persecuted Sertu AD, who is Babinsa in the area, so they were rewarded with sharp weapons that injured and killed David Bano. As a result of this problem, residents attacked and set fire. " David Bano's body was buried Tuesday and the security situation is conducive," said WS Kapendam XVII/Cenderawasih Lt. Col. Inf Chandra Kurniawan.

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