JAKARTA - In order to reduce the number of goalsput among the millennial generation and Gen Z, the Fanta Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN) offers discounts for those who exercise their voting rights.

The Coordinator of the Fanta Sharing Team, Hendy Setiono, accommodates all business actors, especially MSMEs, in order to provide discounts to people who use their voting rights as appreciation for community participation.

This method is expected to motivate millennials and Gen Z to participate in using their voting rights, see, based on the predictions of political observers from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Devi Darmawan, the number of white groups (golput) in the 2024 election is in the range between 18 percent and 20 percent.

"Looking at BRIN's predictions regarding the high number of goalscarts, we want to invite all entrepreneurs and MSMEs to take advantage of the momentum of this election by providing discounts to people who use their voting rights," said Team Coordinator Fanta Berbagi Hendy Setiono, Tuesday, January 3.

In addition, Hendy assessed that this step could also increase the turnover of MSME actors. It was recorded that 3,000 MSME outlets were committed to participating in the Cheerful Election Discount program initiated by TKN Fanta Prabowo-Gibran through the Fanta Sharing Team.

This program was also collaborated with the National Young Entrepreneurs Volunteer (Repnas), the inauguration of the Cheerful Election movement was held on the 4th floor of Baba Rafi Plaza, Sidoarjo, East Java, Wednesday, January 3.

TKN Commander Fanta Prabowo-Gibran Arief Rosyid Hasan added that the role of entrepreneurs in the election and the Cheerful Election program is expected to be a good start to the economic power and MSMEs in the future.

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