MALUKU - The Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) of Maluku Province has secured an animal of the Ternate Kasturi bird in a mineral bottle.

"Our post officer at Yos Sudarso Port Ambon has secured a brown cardboard containing a bird that is put in a mineral bottle," said the Maluku BKSDA Forest Police (Polhut), Seto, in Ambon, Wednesday, January 3, confiscated by Antara.

He said the cardboard was secured when members of the Yos Sudarso Port Police carried out surveillance above Km. Doro Londa, who had just arrived from Ternate Harbor.

In carrying out surveillance, the sound of birds was heard in the bathroom, deck, four parts of the right back. When he entered, he saw a cardboard in the corner of the bathroom and after opening it it turned out to contain a bird that was put into a mineral bottle.

"Officers then came out while asking the passengers around the bathroom, but no one admitted," he said.

The carton was secured and handed over to officers at the Yos Sudarso Port Forestry Police Post in Ambon and made a Documentation of Handover from the KPYS Ambon Police Intel Head to the Forestry Police.

The bird has been secured and taken to the Maluku Animal Conservation Center (PKS) cage in the Ambon Cengkih Kebun and handed over directly to the Maluku PKS Animal Nurse Officer for quarantine before being released into the wild.

"The bird looks stressed and has been handled by the Animal Nurse at the Maluku Animal Conservation Center," said Seto.

Based on the provisions of Law no. 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and their Ecosystems, anyone who deliberately catches, injures, kills, keeps, maintains, transports, and trades protected animals alive; (Article 21 paragraph (2) letter a), is threatened with a maximum imprisonment of five years and a maximum fine of Rp. 100 million (Article 40 paragraph (2).

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