JABAR - Acting Governor of West Java (Jabar) Beyvi Machmudin said that assistance for repairing more than a thousand houses was damaged due to the 4.8 Sumedang magnitude (M) earthquake adjusted to the level of damage.

"The houses are recorded, later they will be adjusted to standards. Heavy damage gets Rp. 60 million, moderate damage is Rp. 30 million and lightly damaged Rp. 15 million," said Bey at Sumedang Hospital, Wednesday, January 3, confiscated by Antara.

Regarding the assistance for improving public and social facilities from the West Java Provincial Government, Bey also admitted that he was adjusted to his needs.

"Yes, there is. It will adjust later. This has not been verified," he said.

Bey explained, from the data he received from the Disaster Response and Disaster Information System (SITABAH) belonging to BNPB, the total number of damaged houses was 1,136 units.

"Earlier from the SITABAH update, but this has not been verified. The details are 876 lightly damaged, 136 moderately damaged and 124 heavily damaged," he said.

As for the source of the earthquake, he said that currently the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) is conducting a study of faults or active faults from which cause the earthquake.

But what is certain, said Bey Machmudin, is that people are still asked to be vigilant for the next week to anticipate unexpected things.

"Still waiting for further investigation by the BMKG. So we don't have anything together. The point is that the BMKG asks the public to remain vigilant in one week," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the service of Sumedang Hospital, Bey Machmudin said that the Ministry of Health had responded to the need for medical tents so that patient care could run optimally.

"Kadinkes Sumedang and the Managing Director of Sumedang Hospital asked for an operating tent and this has been responded to quickly by the Ministry of Health. Also the building after an assessment by the Ministry of PUPR remains feasible and safe to use," he said.

As for the series of earthquakes that occurred, both in Sumedang and Pangandaran Regencies in the past week, Bey Machmudin explained that this potential was always large because Indonesia was surrounded by active volcanoes.

In this condition, adjustments are needed from the community, adapting to nature. Both from residential construction sites, as well as building structures.

"We know that Indonesia is the 'the ring of fire'. That's all, adjusting the structure of the building and staying alert. There's no need to panic. Adjusting the RT/RW rules, what kind of development," he said.

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